Home World Politics Statement of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria: the Syrian regime and...

Statement of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria: the Syrian regime and the beginning of the end

Published on Thursday
30 August 2012 04:13
Written by Radical Socialist

Statement of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria: the Syrian regime and the beginning of the end

The Syrian regime has started to flounder after seventeen months of continuous and accelerating revolutionary struggle by the Syrian masses.

One of the most important signs of that fall is the Syrian people’s almost complete rejection –  expressed in feelings, words and deeds –of the recognition of State authority as a sacrosanct power, recognised by all social classes who have been enjoying their loyalty. The effectiveness of this recognition in the normal course of events far exceeds the efficiency of all the repressive devices, even if their size equals that of the repressive forces of the Syrian regime along with the huge military arsenal in its possession.

The dictatorial power of the junta has lost this recognition and this force and has turned into a heavily armed contingent refusing to admit that it has irrevocably lost the key positions of control. It continues to deny the fait accompli, refuses to leave, insists on staying and tries to regain control of the state and compel the society into submission.

The signs of the beginning of the regime’s collapse are visible in the struggles of the Syrian people revolting all over Syria, their successes and inventions of methods of action.

They are also visible in the widespread and diverse initiatives of thousands of youth groups and people of all ages in urban areas and workplaces where people are no longer surprised to see insurgents entering almost daily in buildings owned by institutions. These are the places such as police stations, sections of the Baath Party and government buildings transformed into centres of organising the heinous chabbiha, where the state power and the brutal junta tangle up.

It is even more surprising that Damascus has woken up after hearing the news of an attack that claimed the lives of the most eminent personalities of the crisis management cell and plunged the top brass of the dictatorship in disarray in view of their signs of weakness. Their heroic statements and denial of media journalists can no longer be of much help.

The revolutionary fervour that recently hit the big cities of Damascus, Aleppo and their peripheries reveals just a small portion of the revolutionary energy of the Syrian masses.

Also the actions related to the revolutionary confrontation in the suburbs of Damascus and their spreading to all directions appear to be the first results of the storming of the presidential palace on Mount Kassioun, passing through all the major buildings of some sections of the Security forces, who have killed, arrested and mistreated thousands of our innocent people.

The Syrian masses are advancing along the path of revolution with full belief and confidence in their own abilities and energies. They are indifferent to the din and bustle of conferences and delegates and are paying no attention to the conflicts of regional and international agenda. They are not losing their time in counting on the international stand or in asking for its support, even though the assassinations and terror unleashed by the regime have led the social situation to such an alarming level of deterioration that humanitarian aid in terms of medical care, medicines, food and shelter are necessary. Such assistance is the duty of the international community whose efforts are always scandalous in this regard.

In the absence of humanitarian aid supposed to come from abroad, the Syrian masses have found a substitute by raising the threshold of social solidarity among themselves and by forming one of the most important slogans of the revolution“One, one, one…The Syrian people are one!” All this time they have remained vigilant and cautious of the potential dangers, having successfully overcome the most serious ones – by which we mean the danger of sectarian civil war which the regime led to. The ingredients to reignite its flames are still present and we have noticed the  formulae for the same recipe in Hassan Nasrallah’s speech, as well as in most of the reactions to the speech coming from parties involved in the revolution but prone to sectarian split.

Probably one of the toughest problems of the moment is the danger of provoking an Arab-Kurdish conflict in the Syrian people.

This would undermine the unity of the struggle against tyranny and for democracy and social justice. A unity that has been reinforced through the heroic struggles for the same objectives and social values throughout the last seventeen months, a combative national unity that could slip into community conflicts due to chauvinism, dealing a severe blow to the majestic Syrian revolution, leading only to the disintegration and conflict, plaguing the entire Syrian people with its Kurdish, Arab and other ethnic and religious groups.

However, given the revelations of the Syrian people’s revolutionary struggle, we can bet on the possibility of blocking such course, though this eventuality is still in its infancy. And several important forces have effectively taken the initiative to deal with such eventualities and stressed on the unity of the Syrian people’s struggle. We appeal to the forces of the Syrian people and their civil and political expressions to indulge in serious and dispassionate dialogues, in order to lay the foundation for solutions based on recognition of the right to self-determination, while taking into account the fundamental principles of democracy and the exigencies of the Syrian revolution’s current political situation, so that the ruling dictatorship can be brought down.

In this perspective, we focus on the need to form democratically elected local councils, representative of the residents of all areas liberated from the yoke of the system.

Long live the struggle of the Syrian people!

22nd July, 2012
Revolutionary Left Current in Syria

 From the LCR website Déclaration du Courant de la Gauche Révolutionnaire en Syrie : Le régime syrien et le début de la fin in French. Translated by Suchandra De Sarkar for Radical Socialist.


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